
Ceramik is an exclusive line of professional products, made in Italy with ceramic technology.
Tek was the first in the world to create a ceramic brush, making theirs the first, the unique and the original. All Ceramik brushes by TEK are tested and certified to ISTEC-CNR (Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic materials – National Research Council). Patent number VA2000U000001 of 14/01/2000 filed at the Patent's Italian society. Ceramik brushes are realised with high technology; different types of ceramic are applied to the varying brushes; using a laser applicator that, thanks to plasmation, bonds the ceramic particles on the various materials.
All Ceramik brushes are antistatic; they disperse heat to prevent temperature shock on the hair. The porosity of the ceramic helps let the hair shine and closes the hair cuticles for better fixing of cosmetic colour. The professional bristles are more resistant and the handle made in natural wood is ergonomic thanks to the pro-grip.